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Osteopathie bij kind -  Van Wely


"Common complaints"

Osteopathie -  Van Wely


Osteopathy is a form of manual medicine that focuses on detecting and treating functional disorders in joints, vertebrae, nerves and organs by examining mobility.

Osteopathie bij kind -  Van Wely


Osteopathy can be used for children of all ages. It can help with various complaints, such as spinal problems, digestive disorders, sleep problems, motor retardation and toilet training problems.

Osteopathie bij baby's


With my two-year training in osteopathy for babies and children, I have additional knowledge and skills to treat your baby.

Osteopathie bij zwangerschap - Van Wely


During pregnancy, various physical discomforts can occur. Osteopathy can help prevent or alleviate these, so that you can enjoy your pregnancy more.

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Exercising without pain is fantastic. Unfortunately, injuries are always lurking. Osteopathy can help reduce overload and injuries during sports.

Osteopathie bij kind -  Van Wely


You probably recognize the signals your body gives when it is not functioning optimally. By tackling the cause of physical signals early, I prevent them from developing into chronic complaints.

Osteopathy for adults

Osteopathy is for all ages. In adults I treat many complaints that make life a lot more difficult. These are mainly complaints for which no direct solution has been found. The treatment area for adults concerns the entire body.


Osteopathy for adults may be considered in a variety of situations, including:

  • Chronic pain . Osteopathy can be effective in relieving chronic pain, such as back pain, neck pain, and joint pain.

  • Mobility problems . If you have difficulty moving due to stiffness, limited mobility or muscle pain, osteopathy can help improve flexibility and freedom of movement.

  • Digestive problems. Osteopathy can help relieve digestive complaints, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), stomach upset and constipation, by improving the mobility of the abdominal organs.

  • Stress and tension. For people suffering from stress-related complaints, such as headaches, fatigue and tense muscles, osteopathy can promote relaxation and help the body cope better with stress.

  • Post-operative rehabilitation. After surgery, osteopathy can provide support in the recovery process by improving mobility, promoting blood circulation and addressing any compensation patterns.

  • Repetitive strain. Office work or other activities can lead to repetitive strain on certain body parts. Think of RSI, tennis elbow and golfer's elbow.

  • General health promotion. Even if you don’t have specific complaints, osteopathy can be used to promote overall health and prevent future problems.

Hoofdmassage volwassenen Osteopathie
Osteopathie bij kind -  Van Wely

Osteopathy for children

Osteopathy offers a gentle and safe approach to supporting your child’s health and well-being from the earliest stages of life to the teenage years. Children can benefit from osteopathy for a wide range of complaints, including growth-related issues, digestive problems, sleep problems and postural misalignments. Through subtle hands-on techniques, any blockages or tensions in your child’s body are identified and corrected, restoring natural balance and mobility.


As an experienced osteopath, I understand the unique needs of children and adapt my approach accordingly. I aim to create a safe, relaxed and playful environment where your child feels comfortable and can optimally benefit from the treatment.


  • Headache

  • Spinal complaints

  • Abdominal pain

  • Throat, nose and ear problems

  • Postural problems

  • Sleep problems

  • Bedwetting and toilet training

  • Behavioral problems

  • Allergy / eczema / asthma

Osteopathy during pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful times in a woman's life. However, being pregnant is not always easy. After a few weeks of pregnancy, back pain, heartburn, headaches and other problems can arise. After all, pregnancy changes the entire body.


Osteopathy can be considered at various times during pregnancy, depending on the needs and circumstances of the pregnant woman. Some situations in which osteopathy may be useful during pregnancy include:


  • Preparing for pregnancy. Women who are planning to become pregnant may benefit from an osteopathic check-up to address any structural or functional imbalances in the body before they conceive.

  • During pregnancy. Osteopathy can help relieve various complaints during pregnancy, including back pain, pelvic pain, digestive problems, and other discomforts that often accompany the changes in the body during pregnancy. Osteopaths can also use techniques to improve pelvic mobility, which can help with childbirth.

  • Preparing for childbirth. Osteopathy can be used to prepare the pregnant woman's body for childbirth by optimizing pelvic mobility and reducing any tension or blockages that may hinder childbirth.


  • After childbirth. After childbirth, osteopathy can help the mother's body recover, reduce any postpartum complaints such as pelvic pain, back pain, and other discomforts, and support the recovery process.

Osteopathie bij zwangerschap - Van Wely
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Osteopathy for athletes

As an avid athlete, I know how great it is to be able to exercise without injury and pain. But to achieve this, it is important that all movement patterns run optimally. Pain-free exercise is only possible when your muscles, joints and spine, as well as the connective tissue around the abdominal and thoracic organs, have sufficient flexibility. Osteopathy treats painful blockages in the movement patterns and can also provide preventive benefits. 


Injuries often occur when athletes continue with a blockage in those movement patterns. This causes compensatory movements, which means that the original movements are no longer performed correctly. The result can be an overload in the movement chain, which can lead to persistent complaints. As an osteopath, I recognize the area where the movement is disturbed or reduced and I treat this with a focus on recovery or prevention.


  • Acute sports injuries to muscles, tendons and joints

  • Chronic injuries of the musculoskeletal system

  • Nutritional problems

  • Delayed (sports) recovery

  • Fatigue complaints

  • Preventive


You probably recognize the signals your body gives when it is not functioning optimally. As you get older or have previously experienced complaints, you become more alert to these signals. The body wants to tell you that something is going wrong and asks for your attention to prevent larger problems. By tackling the cause of these signals at an early stage, I ensure that the body can continue to function and that is does not develop into chronic complaints. Compare it to the annual maintenance of your car. I recommend scheduling a preventive treatment every six months. This is the most effective way to prevent complaints.


"When the body starts to whisper, it wants you to listen, before the screaming begins"


This list below is not exhaustive. If you have any questions about the treatment options, please feel free to contact me.


  • The same recurring complaints over and over again

  • Complaints that were difficult to reduce and that you now want to prevent

  • You do not want to go through another period of temporary incapacity again

  • A certain condition occurs frequently in the family and you want to prevent it from affecting you

  • You want to go through an illness or condition with as few complaints as possible

Osteopathie bij kind -  Van Wely

Back pain is one of the most common reasons why people consult an osteopath. Osteopathy can help relieve back pain by improving the mobility of the spine and addressing any blockages or tensions in the back muscles and joints.

The above list of complaints that I can treat is not exhaustive.

If you have other complaints and are curious whether I can also help you with your complaints, please contact me for personal advice.

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